Friday, August 21, 2020

Run and see

 Love the light 

It makes us bright

We can’t hold on too long or as long as we want

The darkness holds us so tight like a wet knot

Then comes the light

It has a subtle might

It breaks things 

It comes with wings

It sings

Like a stranger on a street corner

The ultimate mourner 

Just when you thought it was bad 

When you were the most sad

Missing your dad

Only if he could see the grandson what a lad 

Sorry dad if I made you mad 

Why do you treat me like a fad


I was lost way before you were born

Mental health has left me scorn

I’m not near you because I’m dangerous in actions

I have to limit my satisfactions 

That’s been a problem since day one

Forgive me for being hung on that rung 

If you seen me 24/7

I’d feel stuck at the age of eleven

You’d take my horrible traits and not be driven

I would be left unforgivin

I’m protecting you from me 

So you can be normal and not have to flee

Johnny run away is a real thing

And when you meet that woman run and sing

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