Thursday, August 13, 2015

Poisoned Love

What kind of love do I possess
It seems to poison my rightiousness

The Falacy of love is teaching me a lesson
To be guarded and alone fighting the demons of depression

I can see why the lies of love can be so intoxicating
The passion of companionship expands the breath of lies into empty anticipating

Selfishness has no boundries in the palacade of affection
Dead sunflowers rise from its poisoned soil brittle without a reflection

My love roots itselt in the exposed wasteland of my cold soul
The roadmap to our future demolished with cracks and pot holes 

Your broken promises are litter to the road of contradiction 
Exhausting my heart to fill the void of your indecision

My love dies inside of me in an icy grave filled with strangled cannibals
Laying there in my wasteland I see the dancing shadows of my demononic animals

I close my eyes and wait patiently for them to consume my spirit
Bravely knowing I contributed to this broken love song lyric by lyric

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