Trapped in the rat race we forget what important while working
towards what impotent
The hustle and bustle of big business and corporate America has
us drowning in what important
For my entire life I thought it was Love but it has left me abandoned
alone with nothing
Broken hears lead to broken bank accounts which lead to a
broken America suffocating
When you have lost everything you realize how minuscule you
are to the top 1%
They fill your cube with another soul trying not to miss
that next paycheck
My voice will probably never be heard
Due to the fact that you can’t get a tax break on the verbs
Who knew my bright side was hidden in darkness
I did – I just never accepted the man I knew I always was in
this spiritual abyss
My narcissism has me living a life where you are all my servants
A grandeur lifestyle in the bottom 99% of the shit smelling
check to check peasants
This maniacal mentality a product of alcohol abuse and malnourishment
Ramen for breakfast, lunch & dinner like the king of
I could take my life today and the top 1% would replace me
like a battery
No Sir you don’t get that satisfaction I’m here to make sure
you pay for you greed filled Mad Hattery
I’d tell you my master plan but you would only have me
Most likely by a bottle with my name on it without any more
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